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Pack design
New design based on 'by red' brand by expressive designPaper by red

Paper by red by expressive design.

Paper by red

Paper by red is a new ‘own brand’ paper which is part of the nectere group. expressive design were brought in to create a new brand initially, with product pack designs to come later. We produced three final visuals to give an impression of how the brand could look on products.

Paper is a massive seller through nectere office stationery partners and we produced designs and finished artwork for print for the packs and full reams of paper also. – The requirement was for a simple but impactful design that could be produced in a single colour for mass production.

There were some limitations, but only relating to the product information that needed to be displayed, with final design utilising bold colour and simplistic brand, this would ultimately be adapted to many other products including toners, folders and even furniture.


Who are Nectere?

Nectere is an award winning company – The Managing Director Paul Musgrove is well known within the office stationery business sector, nectere helps smaller office stationers to reduce their overheads, by providing a complete solution fulfilling orders, and call answering. In such a competitive sector the smaller office stationery business may find it hard to compete. Nectere is the solution that can ensure these businesses can compete on a national level.

expressive design are proud to work with such a prestigious national company, providing concept designs and assisting their internal marketing team. 

Pack Design & Production.

expressive design have years of experience in production of design concepts for new brands, products and presentations. Working with UK businesses in a multitude of market sectors, from office stationery, to coffee, furniture and beds.

Many of the production processes for these sectors are specialist. expressive design have experience in working with all print production methods from flexo to litho, large format to web printing.

If you have a product that needs to stand out in the market, get in touch with us.

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