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Art direction, on location.

Art direction can ensure any video, photography or creative work fits in with the design brief perfectly. It’s critical to manage the photographic aspect on behalf of the clients best interest so anything the photographer shoots is usable!
Expressive design have been working creatively for nearly 20 years, we have planned campaigns, photoshoots, directed video production and won international design awards for our work, helping to make businesses look great for investors, products shine for consumer led markets and making food look delicious for pack designs for maximum shelf presence.

What are the Benefits?

With investments in a campaign, web site, or social push, it makes sense to have the creative lead present during any work undertaken by third parties. After all, the last thing you may want is for the video, photography or even artwork to be working against the look and feel required (and agreed).

Expressive design can take charge of the process on your behalf to liaise with creative partners to work together for a great final result. Whether it is planning a photoshoot, promotional film or scripted social media post.


We have worked with most industries in business to business and commercial B-C sectors with co-ordinated campaigns using consistent imagery and planned timings; newspaper ads, video production, social media campaigns and photography to back up the brand in every case. Working with Celebrities and industry leaders, as well as international businesses with a mutlitude of products, services, profiles and offerings.


Art direction is a skill built on years of experience, in the studio, on and off sets, in-house and on location. It’s a journey we bring our clients along with us, we value input from all sides and enjoy planning and delivering consistency hand-in-hand with clients and suppliers. 


art directionDreams Living – Furniture Maxi Video Production.
art directionRobert Smith Equestrian – Photo Shoot