expressive design new website live.
expressive design new website live! Thanks so much to all the clients who have kindly provided us with testimonials and content about their businesses for our new site, we are incredibly humbled by such kind words.
We set out around 18 years ago, when the big agencies were dominating, with the belief that smaller design studios where the best way for clients to get all the skills they need under one roof, why pay a middle man right?
Coupled with personal service and a passion for design, tech and sales and marketing it has been an amazing few years!
Following on from an unprecedented time in our history, with global pandemic and smaller businesses bearing the brunt of shut-downs and furlough. We have moved our studio from Tyseley (our home of 10 years) to a custom built office in Solihull (with better coffee!).
It has been a time of meetings via Teams, Zoom and GoTo, with clients using these technologies for the first time and all training on new site management systems delivered online. So we are recognising the challenges faced and overcome, well done to our clients/friends.
We promise regular updates, and social media feeds so all our news is in one place so check back in here soon!
Thanks again for helping us to get the expressive design new website produced and live.
Need help to get your business marketing back on track?
Thinking of kickstarting your business marketing? We design, we code, we care! Just fill out the contact form and we can contact you.